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"Remembering When You Were Mine" — A Mariah Carey Review Series: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, 1994 Carey's fourth studio album, released only a year after her biggest album "Music Box," is a Christmas-themed album titled, well, "Merry Christmas." The album is filled with classic Christmas carols and ballads, with three additional original songs completing the collection. Let's take a look. It starts with a serene take on "Silent Night," a song about the nativity story. Carey's take builds the song around the atmospheric soundscape from the production. It truly sounds as if you're listening to a biblical narrator singing about the story in the barn where Jesus Christ was born. Talk about a journey to the past. The album then continues to the next song, "All I Want for Christmas Is You." The first original composition here, this is a song that I believe so many people have already known even from the title alone. One of the most famous songs on Earth, and I can hear why. Cheerful production amidst an even mo...

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