@paramithagst in my opinion!

Now, I'm back with a story (or just my own opinion about this girl... ok this is awkward) about one of my followers and also.... The one that I follow too in Twitter!

Actually she is my senior's sister (@Lolitana70) in 126 Junior High School, Jakarta... And I realized that I've revealed their personal twitter acc here LOL XD

So, this girl... This Unexplainable dumb girl (it's her name on twitter, don't hashed me please...) is really awesome! Want to tell something about her... She's a RUSSSHHHHERRRR!!!

So changed back my font into normal and back to story lol... Like I was said before, she's a Rusher! You don't know Rusher? Are you exactly don't know about Rusher? Are you serious don't know?!!!

                                                                     ......Then you're dumbass......

Rusher is the name of Big Time Rush's fans....
(psshhh... If you don't know BTR, then I will kicked you out now!)

I love BTR. She loves BTR. Everyone loves BTR. And if you're not, go f*ck up yourself now!-_-

Back to story..... Another part of her, besides of her strong-heart outside view (lol, crashed english...) She's purely a labile teenager too! And what you must really know is, a few minutes before I started to write this, she's tweeting me back and said, "Maybe I'm in teenager's labile syndrome like you said..."

Burst into laughter!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA XD

(did you know, when I write this, at the same time... I'm also in my searching for a Beyonce's Halo cover artwork song one-_-")

Anyway, beside that all, she's a kind-hearted girl. She is pretty too. And I want to say.... She has a TAIL?!!!!!

No you silly dumb peoples! I meant, she has a cute way to make his own ponytail hairstyle... Maybe this sounds weird, dumb, or whateveeerrr... But all I can say, her hairstyle is really good! I bet she has her own hairstylist inside her house which is must be her mom :'D


Ok, so roses are red and violets are blue... No shit! Violets are violet you dumb! Omygod i'm going crazy-_-"

So, I think I've told you all of my opinion about her. I hope when she read this, she would love this! And now.... I'm going to off and maybe check for my school's book list now. It's totally suck when you know that today you're in a holiday but tomorrow you aren't. And again, you in holiday... It's driving me crazy. Why Indonesia can't be like other countries? Letting their students in a full-week holiday, or summer holiday or spring or even winter(?) LOL...

Ok so... out of the topics about that holy crap things about holiday hmmhhh.... I hope she would love this, and write good comment in the comment box (perhaps..) or even tweeting me about her response to this! And always pray for a good things in her life and for her family! I'd consider her as my own sister instead :')

End of the story, I want to say thank you for anyone who reads my blog (even I know that no one have read it...) Once again I say, love you guys all! Maybe I'll wrote something important next time. Maybe about my school, my house, my friends, my life...

Important!!!: Life is suck, so don't waste your time to think about your life! Never! You hear that?!!!!

Ok, so now I would end all of this crazy things and let you guys read it all. Thank you so much for having time in my blog! Byebye~!


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